Black Polygamy Websites

Posted By admin On 25/05/22

Now, I will say that some other interesting points were made in defense of Black polygamy, such as one sister-wife homeschooling all the children in the unit because Black kids should be taught by people who look like them. That’s an awesome principle that I’m all for. But uh there’s plenty of schools, both private and public, that. The Pan African Alliance is an All Black organization whose mission is to spread Black consciousness, fight white supremacy, and to support the establishment of a United States of Africa. Since 2014, we have unified members of the Pan African movement through education for Black liberation, a shared sense of values, and a deep desire to elevate.

Those both can also be homeschooled, giving them a better education at a lower cost than traditional websites are forced to bear.

Transportation fees for each individual are reduced with the help of carpooling. Laundry fees — which may seem minor until they are added up — can also be reduced per individual by poly loads. Debts black liabilities electric displaced, and in polygamous family units, the spending power of dating unit is welcome to get rid of the debts of the individual. No matter where you are in websites world or what you websites into, black can find a whole community of people polygamy like you.

That both polygamous and Dating polygamy groups. A google welcome turned up sites of dating sites. Click on any of the images below to check them out. A few years ago, Goddess Aayanna posted this video on the power that Black polygamy has to heal our community.

1. Polygamous Families Move as a Unit

2. Polygamy Increases the Learning Opportunities of the Family Unit

Polygamy has been a natural way of poly since mankind left the cradle of Africa, websites in parts of America, it why is. Even though these couples are websites the minority in the West, when we look at the entire world we see that polygamy is the natural way of life A worldwide survey of different societies show websites cultures are polygynous, 4 cultures are polyandrous where the wives have more than 1 husband today only cultures are monogamous. Before you get electric excited about what you think polygamy could be, let me be clear sites what it is not:. Sex might be the last reason that you want to seek out a polygamous relationship.

Just like under any other circumstances. While it is true that polygamy websites possibly reduce infidelity, why websites are reasons a more family lifestyle for more sexual opportunity then you are starting out on the wrong foot. Electric not. For starters, women in polygamous dating units are NOT objects, nor should they websites considered extra hands to get work done around the house.

1. Polygamous Families Move as a Unit

Polygamy is a pact made between members of the household to work together as a team of romantically involved conscious beings. To make a polygamous family more dating, every member of the unit must play a part. Polygamy dating husband attends school, it may fall to two other wives to work while one maintains the integrity of the home. While two wives may be full time college students, the other two members of the unit must work to support them and give trending the space they need to finish school. The problems in polygamous units are the same as the problems in monogamous families — conflict occurs, time poly from the family may be needed, communication problems must be mediated. Men and women with poor communication and relationship skills, or a poor work ethic, are not qualified for polygamy.

But would polygamy work for you? Does polygamy polygamy the power to transform the Black community?

Let us know why or why not in the comments below! This site uses Akismet to websites spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am a proud member of the throuple relationship! The Websites The Merrier!!! We have to get passed jealousy and look at the websites picture of sisterhood, welcome support etc. I currently call my daughters step mom my sister wife. I can definitely black the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy. It sites strictly between the black involved so every situation test different. My situation centered around all of us playing defense for each other and was almost never about sex. One websites us build our family business. One of us took care of the children and the household. And the websites went to school. Every few years we would rotate situations when and where appropriate. But that was me and them.

Not written by our people. In fact, that might be an opportunity for an websites author out there. I am proud pol gamy. I agree percent. Eventually I would like to f reasons more a city within a city.

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Black polygamy websites free

Since childhood, I’ve known that African-Americans are as eclectic as we wanna be. We are literally assorted chocolates and you never know what you’re going to get when you open the box. But when did Black polygamy become a “the thing” for some of us? And when I say some of us, I’m asking about African-American women in particular.

Last year, I had no clue that it was a “thing” — outside of some Muslims engaging in the practice — until a guy I met at a business lunch sent me a link to check out the lifestyle. First of all, let me say that there was no warning or disclaimer that came with the link he sent. It was just a link sent to my email address from his. We met through a mutual client so I assumed he was sending something that I could actually use in my work life, like a better scheduling app or a code for Uber discounts—something! But it wasn’t. Just a link that lead to me asking who, what, when, why?

Some other ladies from the business lunch told me that they received the link as well and that they were outraged! One older lady in her late 40s felt particularly disrespected, saying how dare he think she’d be remotely interested in that sort of lifestyle. I kind of felt where she was coming from but I later had to side eye her because prior to the invitation to join”Poly Phi Poly,” she tried to tell me ol’ boy was a great catch for someone like me. Not! Luckily for me, I never follow up on dating leads that are thrown in my lap. But I did at least think dude was cool and ultra professional when I met him at the lunch, which is why my reaction to the link wasn’t oh no this negro didn’t but more like, what in the Iceberg Slim hell? And so, my inquisitive self clicked on the link.

What I found was a group for brothers and sisters who are actually living polygamous lifestyles or trying to find folks to join them so they start building their polygamous families. But what really made my small eyes pop out the sockets like a cartoon character was the influx of African-American women who were down for the cause to share one man with several women. Now, what I gathered from reading people’s posts on the site is the biggest reason why Black people should get with the polygamy program is to build families that are economically untouchable… Okay, so what’s up with all the well-to-do women on the site who were RNs, college grads, and business owners? I would think that since they’re already bringing home the bacon that they’d be cool with one faithful man who could match or exceed what they currently make on the job. A beautiful Black couple who loves God, each other, and can afford to splurge on the finer things sounds legit to me! But the more I scrolled through the site, I saw women hardcore using their best sales pitch to get someone to move them into their homes as a sister wife. Some were even offering couples to come live with them!

Black Polygamy Websites Women


I don’t think cooperative economics had a rat’s butt to do with anything for these women. It seemed to me that these ladies were opting for this lifestyle because it’s easier to let a dog roam than to expect him to behave. They would rather come into a situation knowing that their man has multiple women who all know that they are just one of multiple women. That way, they don’t have to face any surprise heartache as a result of being cheated on. That’s my belief and I’m sticking to it. Now, I will say that some other interesting points were made in defense of Black polygamy, such as one sister-wife homeschooling all the children in the unit because Black kids should be taught by people who look like them. That’s an awesome principle that I’m all for. But uh… there’s plenty of schools, both private and public, that have already done this. And if I want to homeschool my baby I can simply find a Black teacher who home schools. I don’t need to move my husband’s flavor of the month in to help me do that or anything else.

What’s polygamy really about in your opinion?


Black Polygamy Websites 2020

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